• Haselden's sunday sudoku (9)

    A classic Sudoku puzzle, with a little dash of Mincemeat...

  • Doppelgangers (6, 6)

    Alright agent - see if you can spot the difference...?

  • Down Together (6)

    Another familiar format for the puzzle-masters out there.

  • Left or Right (5)

    Listen up agents, we know you'll crack this one!

  • Hester's Card Puzzle (4)

    Doubtless, the hardest puzzle in the bunch. Our advice? Attention to detail! Good luck, agents.

I need a hint!


The drop downs below will give you full explanations on how to solve the puzzles.

If you’re looking for a lighter hint, drop us a line on social media and we can give you a steer.

  • This is an easy rated Sudoku, with the complicating factor being that it is filled in with 9 mincemeat themed emojis, rather than the numbers 1-9.

    Once filled in, each emoji should occur once above an arrow, and this arrow will point to a number (row or column) indicating the letter in the word for that emoji that should be used to spell out the solution word.

  • This is a Spot the Difference.

    There are six differences.

    The coordinates of all six are an anagram of the solution words.

  • Once the grid has been filled in, it gives you a mapping of numbers to letters. In the border below the newspaper title are 6 emboldened dots. By taking their numbers (counted from the left) you can find the 6 letters of the solution word. This gives multiple anagrams, but hints as to the correct answer are found in the newspaper name, date, and title.

  • This puzzle is supplied with a QR code to the Mincemeat track listing. The numbers on the left correspond to songs from Mincemeat, and the clues to the right give a definition for that song with one letter changed.

    Taking the original letter (from the left column) or the substituted in letter (from the right column) in the order indicated by the arrows at the bottom spells out the solution word.

  • To find the solution, you take a single letter from each line of the limerick. The limericks are enclosed with flags which indicate the compass point hand you need to look at to find the letter number. You then need to sum the High Card Points (hinted at in the underlined first letters of the title) for the bridge hand in question to find the correct letter position for that hand.